Steal ZoomInfo's Winning Cold Call Formula
ZoomInfo’s record for meetings set in a single day from a rep through cold calling is 27.
Yes, you read that right. 27 MEETINGS IN ONE DAY.
In this workshop, we pulled back the curtain on their winning cold call formula.
Megan Huston has 5+ years of experience in the trenches and leads the new business SDR team at ZoomInfo.
We were also joined by Alley Forbes from Vidyard who won President’s Club honors last year, holds the monthly revenue record hitting 302% of quota, and leads a team of AEs doing a ton of self-sourcing.
If you’re a rep, you’re going to get actionable tactics you can use right away to book more meetings. And if you’re a sales leader, you’ll get actionable insights to help you get better results from your team’s cold calling efforts.
Here’s what you’ll walk away with:
How to prepare fool-proof talking points so you feel confident in every call
Tactics for gaining instant credibility in the first 30-60 seconds of the cold call
Using “micro-yes’s” to gain small commitments and increase your odds of success
How you can “go for no” to make it easier for prospects to get to “yes”
Simple strategies to get 80%+ show rates to meetings set from cold calls
This is an action-packed workshop with tons of actionable takeaways for both reps and sales leaders.